Category Archives: stress

How to Use Technology Without Feeling Overwhelmed (For Introverts and HSPs)


In my last post, I talked about the fact that a lot of what we think of as relaxing (watching TV, browsing pinterest, checking facebook, etc) isn’t really as relaxing as we think it is. Since most of us use computers, smartphone, tablets, and TVs every day, and since technology is an inevitable part of our modern world, it’s important for introverts and highly sensitive people to learn how to use these devices in a way that won’t leave us feeling overwhelmed.

While it’s important for extroverts and non-highly sensitive people to manage their technology use wisely, too, it’s especially important for introverts and highly sensitive people because we are more easily affected by subtler forms of stimulation and because we reach the point of overwhelm much sooner.

These are some of my favorite ways to use technology without feeling overwhelmed, and, even though each of these are just small changes, they can make a big difference in the way that technology use affects us.Continue Reading

Are You Really Relaxing as Much as You Think You Are?



Relaxation is a pretty big deal for introverts and highly sensitive people. We need our downtime and our quiet times to recharge our energy. Especially on busy days or times when we’ve reached our threshold for overstimulation overload, we really need some time to rest and relax.

The problem is, though, that a lot of the time we think we’re relaxing when we really aren’t.Continue Reading