Not Either?

Even if you don’t identify with being either an introvert or a highly sensitive person, I hope you’ll still be able to find some useful information here. There’s a very good chance that somebody you know – whether a spouse, child, parent, co-worker, or friend – is an introvert or a highly sensitive person.

By learning more about these traits, you can gain a better understanding of the way that introverts and HSPs experience life and you can learn ways to work around the differences in your personality types. And, believe me, if you take the time to learn and understand more about them, your introverted and highly sensitive loved ones and friends will really, really appreciate it!

I want this site to be a place where everyone can be accepted and appreciated, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, an HSP or a non-HSP. (With that said, I’m writing from the perspective of a highly sensitive introvert since that’s what I am myself, so I apologize in advance if anything I write portrays extroverts or non-HSPs in a way that’s not fully accurate!)

Here are some links to the posts that I think would be especially helpful for extroverts and non-HSPs to have a better understanding of the quieter people in their lives.

10 Things Not to Say to a Quiet Child